keatings on rails2

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The Keating's On Rails II

Sand Lighthouse, Newport Welcome Center.
Sand Lighthouse,
Newport Welcome Center
Newport Diner Train Caboose & Office
Newport Diner Train
Caboose & Office
Old Colony Newport Engine
Old Colony Newport Engine

November 11, 2007 - On Sunday, Septembr 9, we took a day trip to Rhode Island. First we drove to Newport, where we purchased tickets to ride on the Old Colony and Newport Railway, an all volunteer operation. We paid extra for first class seats. While we were waiting to board, I took a picture of the colorful caboose office of the Newport dinner train, a separate for profit operation. I also took a picture of an impressive sand sculpture, being built inside the Newport Welcome Center, just across the street from the rr station.
      I took a picture of the engine as it pulled into the station. We were seated in white wicker chairs facing the windows. We even had a small table for the snacks we were told we could bring on board. The train ride was a nine mile round trip and approximately ninety minutes. The ticket listed 4 stops: Admiral Kalbus Rd.; US Naval Base; Greene Lane; Melville. We didn't actually stop at any of these places to pick up or drop off passengers. We did stop at the entrance to the US Naval Base.
      We had a volunteer conductor assigned to our first class car. He explained that the railroad had to get permission to enter the naval base. So, he said," Please excuse me while I call for permission." and proceeded to call on his cell phone. We had to wait about 5 minutes at this impressive gate until a police car appeared and a guy in fatigues opened an automatic gate. We then entered the base and were able to see two aircraft carriers, the USS Forrestal and the USS Saratoga docked in the Narragansett bay.
      The guide explained that this base was home to the US Naval War College, where naval officers are trained. When we reached the end of the line and returned, we had to wait again for the Navy police to open the gate to let us out.
      We then left Newport and headed for Foster, RI, where the Swamp Meadow covered bridge is located. It is Rhode Island's only covered bridge. The first version was built in 1992 to honor Rhode Island's 350th birthday. Vandals burned it to the ground in 1993.
      A new one was built in 1994. We took pictures from the road, being careful not to venture on private property. We were returning to our car, when a red convertible drove up. The driver stopped the car and invited us to come into his yard and take pictures. He owned the house nearest to the bridge. He was a friendly fellow, but I didn't get his name. So if, you read this--Thanks again. The lovely side view picture was taken from his yard.

All photos taken by the Keatings.

Old Colony Car and Tom USS Forestal and USS Saratoga
Old Colony Car and Tom
USS Forestal and USS Saratoga
Narragansett Bay Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge
Narragansett Bay
Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge
Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge
Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge
Swamp Meadow Covered Bridge

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 12/04/2007